5 Patrons for Knave 2e’s Relic Magic

A barebones list of patrons, with examples for relics, missions and boons.

Everything about the setting and the patrons themselves is just barely implied.

Inspiration: local folklore from the valleys and mountains around my home; European and African myths; the languages of wizards.

Rova, protector of pilgrims and peddlers

Domains: travellers, kindness, persistence


  • A smooth cobblestone, polished by the steps of thousands, taken from the road to a sacred religious site.
  • An oft mended traveler coat, worn by a priest during a lifelong pilgrimage.
  • A blessed splinter from the mast of the ship of a great explorer.


  • Climb the 10.000 steps to the Peak of the Widow. Leave an offering of fresh fruit and bread at the foot of the statue of the Widowed Saint.
  • Reignite the flame of the abandoned lighthouse on the Lonely Cliff in the Sea of Mists.
  • Safeguard the Head Priestess’ daughter in her travel to the sanctuary at the heart of the Great Wood.


  • The food in your backpack never spoils, the water you drink through your cupped hands is always pure.
  • Speak the language of roads and rivers. They know about travelers, weather, and obstacles along the path.
  • You always have a gold coin in your pocket when you need it for charity, or to repay a kindness.

Re di Biss, the slitherer

Domains: snakes, affliction, ruthlessness


  • A stone pendant representing a toad with an egg in its mouth.
  • The black and shriveled hand of a flint hearted priest, severed at the wrist and dangling from a rope.
  • A live snake, white as snow, with smooth black marbles for eyes.


  • Assassinate the head priestess of the cult of Rova.
  • Infect the Hearth of Thorns with the blood of the last unicorn of the vale.
  • Poison the roots of the Mother Tree at the heart of the Great Wood.


  • When a snake bites you, absorb its venom and make it yours. You can bite or kiss to deliver its effects. The victim has to pass a CON save against your CHA.
  • Your touch spoils food, rots wood, rusts metal, makes mildew blossom. Soft materials deteriorate in 11 - CHA minutes, hard materials take 11 - CHA hours.
  • CHA times per day, you can turn into a writhing mass of non-venomous snakes.

Luv Ravas, soul of the woods

Domains: wilderness, frenzy, moonlight


  • A recurve dagger made from the tusk of a giant boar.
  • A rough and thick long coat sewn from the skins of one hundred beasts.
  • A glint of moonlight caught in an uncut gemstone.


  • Drive away the lumberjacks encroaching on the Great Wood.
  • Destroy the dam that’s blocking the flow of the Silver Streak river through the valley.
  • Navigate the Bristle Maze to the Heart of Thorns. Put an end to its unchecked growth.


  • While running on all four, ignore any natural difficult terrain: thorns can’t pierce you, and your footing is sure on ice or mud.
  • Under the moonlight you can see as well as during the day.
  • When defending a natural site from the forces of civilization, for CHA rounds of combat, you can power attack with a broken weapon and still deal double damage

Taranis, the rain dancer

Domains: spring rains, dancing, courage


  • Castanets that sound like a pleasant rain shower.
  • A large folding fan, embroidered with nymphs dancing in the rain.
  • A bow made from a green wood branch, and silver tipped arrow shaped like raindrops.


  • Take an hair from the mane of the last unicorn of the vale. Use it to restring the great harp at the temple.
  • Recover the stolen harvest from the High Road brigands.
  • Expose and denounce the members of the hidden cult of Re di Biss.


  • Perform a ritual dance outdoors lasting 11 - CHA hours to invoke a light shower in CHA + 1 kilometers radius, lasting CHA + 1 days.
  • While it’s raining, you can hear the echoes of any movement reverberating through the drops in 10 meters around you, plus 10 meters for each point of CHA.
  • You always move with the grace of a dancer, recovering from apparent blunders with a smile and a flourish. You cannot be tripped, pushed, or disarmed.

Sarvant, the lucky fellow

Domains: luck, wine, jolly knaves


  • A rusty corkscrew with a wine stained wooden handle shaped like a bull’s head.
  • A shiny golden coin, weighted so that it always lands on tail when tossed.
  • An half empty bottle of wine, house to a chatty drunken mouse.


  • Help the leader of the High Road brigands escape her hanging.
  • Steal the hoarded wine from the royal cellars, and gift it to the oppressed people of the reign.
  • Show the incompetence of the city guard, umiliating the corrupt sheriff.


  • You can treat any improvised object as an effective weapon, with properties appropriate to its shape, size and weight.
  • Use your CHA instead of WIS when throwing knives or other sharp implements.
  • CHA times per day you can open a lock just by tapping on it.
